Let me love my body.
These lips
And thighs
My soft and gentle folds of flesh
My wild ferocious eyes
With hip dips and nipple slips
Motherhood has flipped the script
Of everything that beauty was
To become what beauty truly is
This love has softened me and made me stronger
Worn me out in all the ways
I know will make me LIVE much longer
I have become carved and sculpted into a dream
And while I no longer look
Like the women on the cover of my mothers magazines
The aliveness that exists within me
The ancient pulsing ART of wiseness
Is a breathless kind of beauty
That brings me
To my knees.
I love this body for the miles she has walked
For the baby she has built and fed
The stories that she’s talked
I love her for the space she made for life to be MORE
To deepen
And learn what life's worth living for.
I love her for saying yes to all the chaos
For making all the meals
For swimming all the lengths of love
And still keeping it SO real
This body has lived and died a hundred lives
This body has survived
This body has birthed
This is a mirror of the face of the Earth.
With frayed edges and missing parts
This body is a work of HEART
This body is mine
The only one that this life gets
So let me keep her close and listen
To all
That She
Reflects. ~ Happy Womens Day Gorgeous image by Jade Beall Photography